
tree worker using a chainsaw to cut a bushy tree in pieces
mini excavator gathering limbs to chip
tree worker guiding a piece of a tree being lowered by a crane
tree wood chipper processing a large tree
mini excavator and tree chipper
Tree worker in the snow cutting a tree trunk
tree service employee splitting a piece of a tree to be chipped into pieces
stump grinder grinding a tree stump
tree climber at the top of a very tall pine tree
tree worker climbing a tree to trim its branches
tree climber way high up in a tree removing the top pieces with a chainsaw
tree worker cutting pieces of trees to be put into a wood chipper
tree worker using a chainsaw to cut a thick tree
tree worker using a chainsaw to cut a dead cherry tree stump
tree worker using a chainsaw to cut the base of a tree
tree worker pruning tree limbs
tree worker cutting the base of a tree
tree worker in a lift trimming the tops of a tree
ground crew member breaking down removed limbs with a chainsaw
tree service employee in the snow guiding a tree being lowered by a crane
two tree service employees watching a large pine tree fall to the ground
tree climber using ropes to get up a cherry tree
tree climber suspended in the air by a crane
tree ground crew cutting the remains stump of a dead cherry tree
sketch of tree outlines